About LACF:
We were called...
In 1997, Bethlehem Lutheran in Nekoosa, WI was led by the Holy Spirit to begin a ministry in the growing town of Rome.
Our goal has been to equip the saints here for ministry as we grow together in the love of Jesus; but also, a major emphasis is to reach many unchurched in the Rome community with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, our purpose statement: “To know Christ and to make Him known.”
God has blessed us with numerical and spiritual growth. Beginning with 20+ in attendance, we now average over 100 per Sunday.
Starting back in 1997, our church services were held in the Rome Town Hall. From mid-May to mid-September, we worshiped outdoors under the trees on the Town Hall lawn. Since summertime sees many weekenders in the area, our numbers really swell those months. What a wonderful opportunity to “Make Him known!”
In November 2017, it was decided by the church members to become our own church entity. A few weeks later, it was voted to build a church. December 22, 2019 was our first service in the new church at 1167 Alpine Dr....just around the corner from the Town Hall. To God be all the Glory!
LACF is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.